Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Why You Should do Schoolwork at the Glendale Community College Library (For Glendale Community College Students)

 The Glendale Community College Library is an invaluable resource for students. The facilities offer a quiet study space, endless resources, computers, and professional librarians to help find information.

Academic achievement and usage of the library are linked, according to various studies such as those of Ying Zhong and Johanna Alexander, present in their article Academic Success: How Library Services Make a Difference , where they mention, “The library assumes an important responsibility to facilitate students’ education, providing services, programs, and resources to assist students in being more effective and efficient in their academic career—to succeed academically.”
For these reasons, the GCC library is a great place to study.

The library has several different spaces. Upon entering, there is a circulation desk to the left where materials are checked out and returned, a reference desk straight ahead, several desks for studying behind the reference desk, and a spread of computers behind the study tables. Surrounding this are shelves upon shelves of books.

These areas are well-utilized by students, who typically occupy the computers and study tables. Student Lisette Lamas demonstrates this in describing her favorite place in the library. “My favorite place would be here on the computer. Doing homework, and then if I want to, I can listen to music while I do my homework,” she says.

After catching a glimpse of the library, one might think that’s all there is, but, according to GCC librarian Elizabeth Salina, the library has more to offer. “We have a quiet study corner. And, in the group study rooms, too, we have flat screen TVs where you can project through an HDMI cord that you can check out up there.” She gestures towards the circulation desk. “We have laptops you can check out, so you can work on presentations,” Salina explains, going on to add, “and then we have white boards in those group study rooms.”

These are some of the lesser-known services the library offers students who need to study. However, the library also offers places to rest with some light reading and relaxation. “We have, like, a reading area right there; back there we have popular reading and magazines that you can sit when you have some chairs, and you can comfortably rest,” Salina describes.

Along with the facilities, the GCC library has a trove of resources. When asked, Salina delves into a description of the information resources the library provides. “We have your textbooks that you can use in the library here if you're waiting for your textbook to come in. We have books that you can check out; we have magazines, newspapers, and scholarly journals, and different kinds of media both in print and online that you have access to as a student.”

Besides for physical materials, there are numerous online resources, accessible through the link to the library on the Glendale Community College website. Salina goes to her computer, doing an online search. “You can do your research here or from home, and this One Search will find articles, books, and videos,” she explains. “It’ll find resources,” she mentions, “and it tells you how to cite, how to print them out.” The One Search allows students to search for information, which can be limited by specifying more details in the academic search engine or by limiting the types of material wanted on the sidebar at the left.

When a research project arises, the library is a smart place to do it, seeing as there are resources and librarians available. Student Lamas demonstrates this, saying, “When I come to the library, I come to do, you know, my homework, and then I come for the books for some resources for my research and stuff.”

The importance of these resources in one’s college education is made evident by S Basheer and A Razzaq in their article Impact of College Library on Student’s Academic Achievements, which explains that “it is found among other things that students in college with good library resources and full time librarians performed at high[er] levels than students with minimal or no library resources.” This shows that the library is a great place for students to acquire research information from, for they will have access to resources and can get help if necessary.

The GCC library is more than its facilities and resources. As Salina says, “Anything, any information question [students] have in support of their studies, or even their personal life, if we can help, we do.” The GCC library is its librarians, always ready to help.

The benefits of working in the library are endless. According to Karen Brown in her article Academic Library Contributions to Student Success: Documented Practices from the Field, “Academic librarians are establishing connections between different aspects of the library (e.g., instruction, reference, space and facilities, and collections) and numerous academic success factors (e.g., student retention, persistence, GPA, engagement, graduation, and career preparedness).”
With all of the benefits the GCC library has to offer students, what better place to get schoolwork done?

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